
Can I Give My Baby Up for Adoption After Birth?

  • Amanda Barton
  • January 4, 2023
  • Adoption

If you are considering putting your baby up for adoption, whether you are currently pregnant or have already given birth, please visit our page How Do I Place My Baby for Adoption for details about how we can help and to get in touch with us. Facing an…

How to Find the Right Adoptive Parents for Your Baby

“How do I find adoptive parents for my baby?” is one of the biggest questions in the adoption process. But finding adoptive parents is just half of the question. Many birth mothers are just as worried about finding the right adoptive parents for their baby. There are many…

What is a Post Adoption Contact Agreement?

A Post Adoption Contact Agreement (PACA) is a legal and binding contract that birth mothers and adoptive families sign off on. It lays out the details of the contact between the birth parents and adoptive parents, like how often and how to get in touch. The PACA is…

How to Find the Best Adoption Agencies

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption, you might be wondering how you can find and choose an adoption agency. The best adoption agencies can help you make a birth plan, find an adoptive family, and navigate legal situations to make your pregnancy easier. But not…

How to Put Your Baby Up for Adoption in NJ

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy in New Jersey, you may be considering giving your baby up for adoption. The most common misconceptions about adoption come from the phrase “giving your baby up.” In reality, adoption is one of the most selfless options for pregnant women. It means…

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may have lots of questions and not know where to turn. Here, our adoption experts share answers to our most commonly asked questions. Don't forget that we're here to support you 24/7, whether you're ready to commit to adoption or not.…

Closed vs Open Adoption: What’s the Difference?

One of the most important stages of the adoption process is choosing a family for your baby. After you start down the infant adoption path and create your adoption plan, the next step is finding a home for your baby. Deciding on open vs closed adoption and finding…

Getting Started with Adoption as a Birth Mother

Thinking About Pursuing Adoption? The adoption process can be hard to navigate because a lot of the process isn’t clear when you get started. At A Baby Step Adoption (ABSA), we want to make the adoption process as clear and easy to navigate as possible. You might be…