Reasons Birthmothers Choose LGBTQ Families
Reasons Birthmothers Choose LGBTQ Families
At A Baby Step Adoption agency, we have always supported our LGBTQ families because we know love ultimately makes a family. Many expectant moms want the opportunity to place with LGBTQ families, and we offer these women facing unplanned pregnancy this choice.
At A Baby Step Adoption, we are proud to be recognized as by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s All Children All Families Project for our work towards becoming fully welcoming and affirming of LGBTQ youth and parents. All Children – All Families, a project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, promotes LGBTQ-inclusive policies and affirming practices among child welfare agencies. We take this honor seriously and vow to always work on behalf of ALL of our families to help them experience the gift of adoption.
At A Baby Step Adoption, we believe that newborn adoption is for everyone to experience.
Reasons Birthparents Choose LGBTQ Familes
- For gay couples, being a parent is a choice, a plan that is typically well thought out. Unlike heterosexual couples, natural conception isn’t a possibility, and many birth parents want to help these families who can’t anatomically have children on their own. When you choose adoption for your child, you know you are giving another family the gift of a baby, and often times, women facing unplanned pregnancy choose to place their baby for adoption with a gay or lesbian couple because they know parenthood, for them, is something they have always wanted and could never experience on their own.
- Many birth mothers want their child to be raised in an accepting environment. They want their child to be open to the fact that not all people or families are the same, and when a child has parents of the same sex, it allows them to understand more than most that families don’t have to look a certain way. When placing their baby for adoption, some women prefer to know that their child is being raised in a loving, all inclusive environment. The children of LGBTQ parents learn first hand that families don’t have to look a certain way, and they value compassion for all people, regardless of sexual preference.
- Let’s face it, LGBTQ families know what it is like to be judged, and there are times when a woman facing unplanned pregnancy may feel the same way. Depending on their circumstances, whether they be young, unmarried or not know the identity of the birth father, these women know the feeling of looking down upon. Many times, they feel an easy acceptance from gay and lesbian couples since they both have felt those feelings before. These shared experiences can create a meaningful connection.
These are just some of the reasons a birth parent may choose a LGBTQ family to raise their child.
Above all else, remember you are not giving up your baby or putting up your baby, you are making a thoughtful choice. If you are facing unplanned pregnancy and need support, please text us at 610-613-1911 or call us at 888-505-2367. We can help women from everywhere from Pennsylvania and Arkansas to North Carolina and and South Carolina. We can help you wherever you are located throughout the United States.