How To “Put A Baby Up For Adoption” In Pennsylvania
If you’re pregnant and considering adoption, the first thing we want you to know is you are not “giving your baby up” for adoption. In fact, it means the opposite. Placing a baby for adoption in Pennsylvania means you are making a plan for you and your child’s future. It means you are making the most selfless choice to put your baby’s needs before your own.
If you are pregnant and curious about your adoption options, the adoption process in PA may seem overwhelming at first. Know that we have helped hundreds of women in your shoes facing an unplanned pregnancy and looking to give up a baby for adoption.
Here is a brief outline of the adoption process in PA, but know that we are here for you anytime you want to talk about your options. We will give you unbiased support because we want to help you. We work with women facing unplanned pregnancy throughout Pennsylvania, placing babies for adoption in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia but we also work with birth parents and adoptive families all over the United States.
1. Considering Your Options
The very first step when facing an unplanned pregnancy is to take all of your options into account. There are three main options including parenting the baby, giving a baby up for adoption, or abortion. A Baby Step Adoption will talk you through all of these options to help you decide which plan is the right one for you. You can always research online and talk with friends and family who know you and can help you through the decision making process.
If you have come to the conclusion that placing your baby for adoption is the right choice for you, the next step is to choose an adoption agency. An adoption agency should never make you feel like you’re giving up your baby or judging your choices. They should have your best interest at heart and make you feel comfortable that you are making a selfless choice for you and your child.
2. Finding an Adoption Agency
A local adoption agency can be helpful but not necessary. Having a local Pennsylvania adoption agency that provides in-person support will be different than working with one that is out of state, where most of your communication will be over the phone. A Baby Step Adoption works out of Reading, Pennsylvania, but we help with adoptions in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and all over Pennsylvania, as well as anywhere in the United States. No matter where you are, Make sure you feel comfortable with the adoption specialist. It’s important to have a relationship where you can trust your advocate on your adoption journey.
3. Make an Adoption Plan
Once you’ve selected the agency you want to work with, you can decide on what type of adoption plan you want: open adoption, semi-open adoption, or closed adoption. The type of adoption plan you choose will determine the kind of contact you will have with the adoptive family and the baby throughout the adoption process as well as in the future. Your agency will help you understand what options for giving your baby up for adoption are, so you can decide what feels right for you.
4. Choose a Family
Putting a baby up for adoption and choosing the right family is totally up to you. Looking for someone to adopt your baby and choosing a family is totally up to you. It is an exciting part of the adoption process. We have many loving, approved waiting families you can search to find the perfect match for you and your baby.
5. Make a Hospital Plan
You have made the biggest decisions about your adoption options. Your case worker can help you make a plan for the hospital. They will guide you through the process, so you are never alone. Your case worker can even be in the room with you during delivery. Just remember the details are entirely up to you and what feels comfortable to you.
6. Place the Baby for Adoption
The pregnancy is over and your baby is with the adoptive family. Depending on the state, the paperwork can be made official at various times after the birth of the baby. Just know that above all else, you didn’t give up your baby for adoption or put your child up for adoption. You made a selfless choice to choose adoption and you gave the gift of parenthood to a family who couldn’t have a child without you.
7. Post Adoption Support
Giving up your baby for adoption is not the end of your adoption journey. Depending on what kind of adoption you chose, you may have ongoing contact with the child and adoptive parents. The amount of contact is entirely up to you, but in Pennsylvania adoption, we have enforceable post adoption contact, meaning you create an agreement with your adoptive family, and by law, they must follow it. Regardless of what kind of adoption you chose, we will provide you with emotional support for life—we’re here when you need us.
What is the adoption process in PA?
The adoption process in PA is different from other states, and you’ll want to work with a Pennsylvania-specific adoption agency if you live in Pennsylvania. In most cases, giving a baby up for adoption starts when you consider adoption and reach out to an agency. From there, adoption specialists can work with you to help you create an adoption plan.
Another step that many birth mothers worry about is choosing an adopting family. With ABSA, we have pre-approved waiting families that you can browse and decide who to learn more about. Typically birth mothers choose an adopting family in the middle of the adoption process, before the birth. Once you give birth, an adoption agency will help you place your baby for adoption with their new family and help you adjust to life after the adoption.
If you’re worried about the adoption process, you can learn more about how adoption works in Pennsylvania on our blog. If you want to consider making an adoption plan, call 610-613-1911 or text us at 610-376-9742. We are here for you every step of the way.