Pregnant and Looking to Create an Adoption Plan during COVID-19
Pregnant and Looking to Create an Adoption Plan during COVID-19
Let’s face it, life looks very different right now for most of us. We are faced with an uncertain time and that requires confidence that life will go on one way or another. If you are experiencing adversity right now, a job loss, a loss of income, and/or homeschooling other kids, your unplanned pregnancy seems like an even more tremendous burden to bear. With all of the hardships, an unplanned pregnancy can turn your life upside down. No matter the circumstances, your adoption options remain the same.
Some questions we have been hearing from our birthmothers lately are:
Are less adoptive parents reaching out?
At A Baby Step Adoption, we have many waiting families relying on our adoption agency to help them fulfill their dream of becoming a family. COVID-19 has not changed their will to adopt, and we have just as many families as in years past. At our adoption agency, we make sure every family is screened and able to give your child the best possible life.
Will their adoptive family be able to provide for the child given the current circumstances with COVID-19?
When faced with their unplanned pregnancy options, every birth mother and father want to know that the family who they have chosen to adopt their child will be able to provide a good life for the baby. Obviously, during the Covid-19 virus, many people have lost their jobs and lose their source of income and economic stability. Our families know the cost of raising a baby and are prepared to take on parenthood.
Will the Adoption Agency work with me virtually?
Our adoption agency is located in PA, but we work with families and women facing unplanned pregnancy from all over the United States. Whether you are exploring adoption in Arkansas, Arizona or adoption in the Northeast or South, A Baby Step Adoption agency can work with you. We are available to help any birth parent in need any time, day or night. We can meet birth parents via Facetime, Skype or other video conferencing options.
If there is an emergency with a birth parent, if they are close to our adoption agency in PA, we can travel to meet them face to face following the DCD rules for social distancing.
What will Delivering the Baby be Like:
Hospitals across the country are working within their own parameters and following their own individual rules based on the mandates of their state. At this time, and here in Pennsylvania, most will allow one adult support person during the labor and delivery. If our caseworker cannot be in the room, and you want her to be there to support you, she can do so via Skype, Facetime and the telephone.
No matter how much the world has and wil change, the love for your child is constant. Despite all of the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, your adoption options have not changed.
At A Baby Step Adoption, we are here to offer you counsel and support anytime. Please call or text us at 610-613-1661 or email